Indications for use Enteronormin plus Jodis+SE drug package leaflet


Problems solved by Enteronormin plus Jodis+Se:

  • Prevention of bees’ diseases and boosting honey flow.
  • Treatment of bees for infectious diseases of bacterial and fungal origin.
  • Restoration of the apiary after chemical poisoning (neonicotinoids, pesticides, herbicides, and others).
  • Stress releave after honey flow and intervention by a beekeeper.


Add «Jodis+Se» into vial with «Enteronormin»

Tighten the cap and carefuly shake up.

Leave to infuse for 16‑18 h, at room temperature (19‑25 °С)

Preparation, dosage and number of treatments:

Prevention of bees’ diseases and boost of honey flow:

Preparation of preventive solution

Drug product «Enteronormin», activated with water for «Jodis+Se» activation, is added to the cooled (20-35 °С) invert sugar or sugar syrup prepared in a ratio of 1:1 (one part sugar to one part water), with the calculation of 150-200 ml of syrup per 20 ml of the activated drug (dose per one bee family with a strength of 10 frames).

Mode of administration and dosage

Preventive solution is administered to bee families by equal spraying into the streets, or pouring 17-22 ml per frame onto upper crossbar of the frame.

Number of treatments

Spring: double treatments at 5 to 7 days interval, immediately after bees’ flight. Summer: double treatments at 5 to 7 days interval, before the main honey flow. Autumn: double treatments before and after the procedures for preparing bees for hibernation (extra nutrition, use of acaracide drugs).

Treatment of bees for infectious diseases of bacterial and fungal origin:

Preparation of preventive solution

Drug product «Enteronormin», activated with water for «Jodis+Se» activation, is added to the cooled (20-35 °С) invert sugar or sugar syrup prepared in a ratio of 1:1 (one part sugar to one part water), with the calculation of 450-500 ml of syrup per 20 ml of the activated drug.

Mode of administration and dosage

Treatment solution is addministered to bee families by spraying 45-50 ml per frame onto frames on both sides and apiary walls.

Number of treatments

From three to five treatments at 5-7 days interval, in compliance with generally accepted sanitary measures + one treatment after the disappearance of clinical manifestations to prevent relapse.

Restoration of the apiary after chemical poisoning (neonicotinoids, pesticides, herbicides, and others):

Preparing of preventive and treatment solution

Drug product «Enteronormin», activated with water for «Jodis+Se» activation, is added to the cooled (20-35 °С) invert sugar or sugar syrup prepared in a ratio of 1:1 (one part sugar to one part water), with the calculation o 150-200 ml of syrup per 20 ml of the activated drug.

Mode of administration and dosage

Preventive and treatment solution is addminstered to bee families with qual spraying into beeways or pouring 30-40 ml per frame onto upper crossbar of frame.

Number of treatments

From three to five treatments at 1-3 days interval.

Stress releave of after honey flow and intervention by a beekeeper:

Preparation of preventive solution

Drug product «Enteronormin», activated with water for «Jodis+Se» activation, is added to the cooled (20-35 °С) invert sugar or sugar syrup prepared in a ratio of 1:1 (one part sugar to one part water), with the calculation of 150-200 ml of syrup per 20 ml of the activated drug (dose for one bee family with the capacity of 10 frames).

Mode of administration and dosage

15-2 ml of the prepared solution is sprayed on each frame on both sides, following honey flow and return to the hive for recovery.


Caution when using «Enteronormin plus Jodis+Se»:

  • Animal speaces: wide range of domestic animals, fowl, insects.
  • Contraindications: none.
  • Drug-to-drug interaction: incompatible with individual antibiotics to which producer strains are sensitive.
  • Side effects: not reported.
  • Contraindications when use: none. The drug does not require protective equipment in the conditions of production and use, does not cause environmental pollution.
  • Prescriprion status: ower the counter.
  • Shelf life: two years.
  • Active drug «Enteronormin plus Jodis+Se» shall be stored in the fridge (at the temperature range +3 °С to +8 °С), in air tight vial — up to 7 days.